Modules Prestashop

Module Stock Alert/Notification - Out of Stock Subscription

Le Samedi 18 décembre 2021

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Allow buyers to subscribe to a product when it is out of stock. Once subscribed, customers will get email notifications when the product becomes available. On the admin side, you may view a number of interested customers for any out-of-stock product.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Optimise la gestion de vos stocks
  • A great tool to analyze buying behavior.
  • Through notification requests, admins will attain important data about their favourite products.
  • Send Emails Automatically or Manually to Customers.
  • Admin can customize the form heading message and description message from the plugin configuration page.
  • Turn the interested visitors into customers using the Stock Alert module.
  • Works for all Guests, Visitor’s and Customers
  • For Customers, their Email Id is pre-filled in the Subscription Form.
  • Duplicate Email Id checked for each Product and hence the same Email Id will not be duplicated for the same Product Notify List.
  • This is an extremely lightweight plugin; it doesn’t hamper the speed of your website.
  • This killer plugin is easy to set up, use, and install. You need not be a coding or developing expert to understand how the plugin works. Just install and let it do the rest.

Ce que vos clients aimeront

  • Continuous update on restock product.
  • Easy to purchase favorite items.
  • Waste less time for online shopping.
  • Experience better online services.
  • Customers can unsubscribe from a product to which he/she already subscribed.
  • Instantly notify customers when products come back to stock  
When the holiday shopping season arrives, a promotion takes place or a product becomes a best-seller, there can be many customers who face the out-of-stock status. Product Alert extension is designed to keep these visitors quickly coming back to your store when the stock is filled up by sending notification emails to update them about the stock status. 

  • Leverage customer satisfaction 
The back-in-stock notifications not only help fulfill customers’ demands but also strengthen relationships with loyal customers who express their interest in both your products and your brand.  

  • Assist Non-Login Customers 
As new visitors want to have notifications about the items through emails, the module supports non-login customers to simply fill in their emails. then they also will get the notification. With this time-saving function, any visitors will enjoy their time when entering your sites.
It will encourage newcomers to purchase store products. 


Step: 1 Upload the module zip to backend.
Step: 2 install it and Configure as per your need.
Step: 3 see the Product Page. ‘’Notify Me’’ button will be there once any product gets out of stock.


What Are the Benefits of Using Back in Stock Notifications?

1. Recovering lost sales
When a customer lands on an out-of-stock listing, you immediately lose a potential sale because they can’t buy the product. 
This campaign gives you a chance to recover that lost sale by alerting customers when it’s back in stock and providing them with a quick way back into the purchase funnel.

2. Sustaining customer interest
One of the first actions a customer can take when discovering an out-of-stock product is heading back to Google to see if your competitors have stock – abandoning your website in the process. 
Back in Stock Notifications help sustain customer interest by creating an expectation that the product will be restocked and allowing them to take a positive action towards obtaining it. This removes the need to exit your website immediately and could lead to further product discovery and purchases. 

3. Generating social proof
These campaigns not only highlight that a product is so popular it’s sold out, but they also act as social proof suggesting that others want the product so much that you’ve had to create a waiting list. 
For many customers, a waiting list creates feelings of FOMO (fear of missing out) and exclusivity that prompt them to sign up. Think of fancy restaurants with long reservation lists and exclusive nightclubs that are invite-only – it’s the same concept, only you’re creating hype around a product rather than a 10-course dinner or celebrity-clad dancefloor. 

4. Creating excitement
Studies show the brain releases more dopamine in anticipation of a reward than when receiving a reward. This means that subscribing to notifications and waiting for the product to be restocked is arguably more exciting than going and buying that same product from your competitor. 

5. Enhancing the customer experience
Out-of-stock products aren’t great for the customer experience, but that doesn’t mean all is lost.
Providing customers with a convenient way to buy an out-of-stock product shows that you care about making the best of a bad situation and that they can rely on you to restock the item and push the first to the queue when you do.
6. Providing customer insights
Finally, these notifications are a neat way to measure customer demand. You can figure out which products are worthwhile restocking and which have had their day simply from the number of people who express their interest. 

Lien associé à cet article :
Module Stock Alert/Notification - Out of Stock Subscription


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