Module Order commander

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Comprehensive orders and customers manager of your store - all the information you need is right before your eyes. Analyze sales, revenue and profit by any parameter with flexible instant filters. Change order status, print invoices and much more

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Vous fait gagner du temps
Among countless features and possibilities of Order Commander the most appreciated are
  • Instant as you type find and filter your orders and customers (see the filters section)
  • Sort orders by any filter parameter
  • Instantly see product list of selected orders with quantities and revenues breakdown separately for every product
  • Calculate revenues, shipping cost, count paid/not paid orders
  • Change order status quickly without page reload, separately for every order or in bulk way by checking orders and assigning new status in one click
  • Print invoices and delivery slips in convenient way - check orders you want to print out and click one button. Or you can print documents for every order separately.
The most confusing, struggling and also most used part of Prestashop is the order management page. It lacks multiple functions that are made easy and convenient in Order Commander. For example, have you ever tried to find customer by phone number in Prestashop? Have you tried to count how many certain products you have to take from warehouse? How many sales were for the specified period? How about specific product? Or for example how many returns were made for specific product for certain amount of time?
All this thing and much more can be done on single page with coherent UX and instant action finding infos while you typing. Find out more in detailed description!

Ce que vos clients aimeront

The benefits are apparent:
  • Process your orders quickly without struggle
  • Analyze your sales in the most different ways
  • See cozy product list for every day, that will optimize your warehouse work
  • Find order by any related data - order ID, Order reference, customer name, address, phone, invoice number, product name or reference etc.
  • Print invoices and delivery slips in convenient way - bulk, by checking required orders, or single document for single order
  • Find duplicate customers and orders, made by returning (including unregistered) customers
  • See all customer infos in one screen - customer name, preferred language, phones, address, messages
  • See all order infos in the same screen - totals, product list and cost, discounts, delivery and shipping etc.
  • Finally set order status without page reload
... etc. in future updates!

How it works: When you open the module page by default Order Commander shows all orders that are updated during last week. If you need earlier orders, type in any field or select date range (date add or date update) and click green Search button.
You can perform number of actions with loaded order list.

Filter orders by any entity in any combination:
  • Order periodic number
  • Order reference
  • Date added or date updated with selectable range of dates
  • Customer first name, last name, phone or mobile phone
  • Find orders by customer message
  • Filter orders by products: product name, reference
  • Filter by discount code or discount name (analyze discounts profits)
  • Filter by currency and paid/not paid orders
  • Filter by carrier (shipping method)
  • Search by shipping (tracking) number
  • Find order by invoice number
  • Find order by delivery slip number
  • Print PDF document of desired order: invoice and delivery slip
  • Sort orders in any direction by any filter field
Bulk actions (performed by checking orders checkboxes):
  • Change orders statuses in one click without page reload without page reload
  • Print checked orders invoices and delivery slips
There are two sections of calculation in module. First one calculates total income, tax, shipping cost and order count. Second one shows the list of products in displayed orders. All account sections are refreshed instantly while you type in filtering fields. For example: select update date range from today and until today, thus you will see all products that are ordered today. Check any order status filter or several of them, for example those which represent orders preparing for shipping. Order list and calculations will update immediately showing you products to be shipped, order count and orders profits


Install like a regular module. The link in the Admin menu will appear, where you can start using the module.


We are currently developing this module diligently so we are open to implement any features on your demand. For example, some delivery methods or accounting data. This may take some time, but feel free to contact us, we will make modifications on your will.


Let's take a brief inspection of order card.
On left we have a checkbox, that is used for bulk print documents and bulk order status change. At the bottom orders list there are corresponding buttons and bulk order status select. Be careful, as it changes status instantly.

Next block is the order raw information:
  • Order ID (as some prefer to see periodic number instead of references)
  • Order reference. It is also a link to the order full page, if you need to make any changes in it
  • Date add - Date, when order was added. Remains unchanged after order created. Very convenient parameter to filter orders by past periods of time
  • Date upd - Date when order was updated or status changed. Basically order list is sorted by this date, so as you make changes in your orders, they appear at the top of the list. So the orders, that don't need changes stay below and do not interfere in working process.
  • Every of this parameters can be used as sort order of order list

    Next is block is essential customer information:
  • Name and surname. To the left of the name the customer's language flag is displayed in case your customers use multiple languages
  • Phone and mobile, which is also a link for SIP and VoIP telephony
  • Delivery address
  • Customer order comment and your employee's replies if present
  • Other orders this customer (with search by matching names or phone numbers)
  • Every bit of information can be used as filter. For example, you can find customer by phone number, or find all orders in specified city or country. And also there is a feature that find all customer orders - not only registered, but every order with same firstname and lastname or same phone number. So if someone didn't register in your shop but is a regular customer, you will see it. And vice versa - if someone orders multiple times and cancel orders. Click the button and all matching orders will be shown with all necessary information.

    To the right is the payment and product list block.
    Here is shown:
  • Payment method and order total (including discount impacts and excluding shipping cost as it will be shown further)
  • Product list with quantities and totals for every product
  • Discount names, if discount is applied by your employee from backoffice
  • Discount codes, if customer used discount code upon order confirmation
  • There are several nifty filter possibilities here! For example, you can type product reference in corresponding input, choose only paid (or cancelled) orders and set some period of time to see anatytics.

    The next block is quick order status change. Just select new order status from select and status will be changed instantly without page reload. This feature makes managing orders very fast and convenient. As you will notice, all numbers in product list (which is situated below orders list at the very bottom) change instantly with order's status. Also, counters by status, that are shown to the right of every status filter are changed correspondingly without page reload.

    Following to the right is the block with delivery infos - shipping cost, carrier name and logo. There are two filters related to this column - carrier filter and tracking number filter. With them you can analyze delivery expanses for certain products or time periods, or find orders by tracking number. The tracking number is also a link to tracking service, if related setting was set in carrier setting

    The last column is the PDFs block. Here you can print invoice or delivery slip. Also relates to two filters, where you can find order by invoice number or by delivery number.

    After the orders list goes the calculations block, that shows some numbers:
  • Total products cost in all displayed orders
  • Total product cost in orders, that are marked as paid
  • Shipping cost for all displayed orders
  • Paid orders count
  • All orders count
  • This numbers can be used in various ways combined with filtering possibilities.

    At the the very bottom there is the block with product list. With it help you can see for example which products you need to take from your warehouse for today's orders. Or estimate your sales for last periods of time. Here is some rough idea, how to use it:
    • Select some date in, say last month
    • Select paid orders in "Paid/Not paid" filter
    • Also you can type product name or reference in corresponding field
    • Press green "Search" button and wait for a moment while matching orders are being loaded
    Now you can see all the numbers have changed: sold products count, income for the orders, separate income for every product. Convenient, isn't it?

    Nouveautés de la version 1.0.0(08/06/2021)

    • Initial release

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