Modules Prestashop

Module Tag Alt SEO image

Le Dimanche 19 décembre 2021

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Thanks to this module “Tag Alt SEO image”, you will be able to fill in all the missing tags in a very short time, being able to automatically configure the placeholders by category, brand or product name.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Optimise le référencement naturel (SEO) sur tous les moteurs de recherche
Why this module is important
The Tag Alt, in full the “alternative text” also known as the “Alt attribute” or “Alt description”, if filled in well, but especially if filled in and not left blank, helps your e-commerce SEO optimization.This attribute is a set of words, meaningful, which is added to the HTML code and plays an important role because it will provide a description of your image.Specifically, it must be said that the search engine, which is an artificial intelligence, cannot “understand” that what the crawler is analyzing is an image. So it must be supported by a text, precisely the Tag Alt, for the right interpretation.Another important factor that should not be underestimated is that the Tag Alt allows you
  • to use the keyword or the keywords you want. So you can choose the keyword that is inherent, that is right for what it has to describe
  • In this way you improve the ranking SEO 
  • And you help the user’s research, who will land on your e-commerce
  •  Thanks to this module you can save your time because because the whole process is automated

Ce que vos clients aimeront

Benefits from the module
The module offers back-office benefits. In fact, it extends and optimizes the process of the Tag Alt updating. This means that it will be possible:
  • Update the Tag Alt faster and without entering in the specifications of the product, avoiding any page loads.
Prestashop has already a function that involves the Tag Alt updating but, to do so, you need to enter in the product page on the back-office side and edit it and then save. All this through several pages.By installing this module, you can avoid all these “page to page” steps. Furthermore this module adds a feature that Prestashop does not provide, that is:
  • The massive application of a Tag Alt based on previously created custom rules.


The installation does not require any special or particular requirements. The module Tag Alt image must be installed and is already for use. Being a SEO module, a back-office side TAB called “SEO” will be created where the module will be present inside.


This module is compatible with Prestashop version 1.7

Lien associé à cet article :
Module Tag Alt SEO image
E-CommerceSEOréférencement naturelTag

Module Canonical & Hreflang SEO module

Le Samedi 18 décembre 2021

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce


The Canonical & Hreflang SEO module will help you to avoid duplicate content and you will enable automatically the hreflang attribute

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Optimise le référencement naturel (SEO) sur tous les moteurs de recherche
What this product offers you

The canonical URL is a Meta Tag that allows the search engine to recognize the main page to be indexed and is indicated by the "rel = canonical" attribute to be added in the HTML code to the link of our url. This operation is essential especially if there are two similar URLs. In particular, this occurs in e-commerce when the same product may have been reached by users, through different page paths and thus ending up in different urls. But by inserting the "rel = canonical" it is possible to give priority to a specific page, not to be penalized by search engine and prevent the problem of duplicate content.

The hreflang is an important tag when we have a multilingual shop. The hreflang communicates to the search engine that a particular page is addressed to a specific audience or to an audience that speaks a specific language. Also in this case, thanks to this attribute, penalizing duplicate content is avoided, by specifying to the search engine that the same page is being analyzed but in a different language

Ce que vos clients aimeront


The benefits that the Canonical & Hreflang SEO module brings to your e-commerce are various and all important:

  • The automatic operation allows you to save time
  • The module allows you not to leave out any URL and to have well canonized the pages to be indexed and specify a priority
  • This module prevents the cannibalization of keywords, a problematic aspect of SEO, which is revealed by the presence of URLs that compete for the same keywords, putting Google in crisis
  • With the canonical URL, no page of the site is penalized and consequently neither the SEO nor the ranking
  • You will have a well optimized e-commerce that does not create problems or ambiguities for the search engine or for the customers



The module is simple to configure, as it requires only two fields to be filled in: the field to enable hreflang and the field to choose whether to use the default domain or a custom domain.
Compatibility goes from PrestaShop version 1.7 upwards

Lien associé à cet article :
Module Canonical & Hreflang SEO module
E-CommerceSEOMetaréférencement naturelTag


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