Modules Prestashop

Module Chatra Free Live Chat Integration

Le Samedi 18 décembre 2021

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Talk with visitors on your website. Live chat & offline messaging for businesses. Answer questions, solve problems, increase conversions. Live chat and offline messaging in one product  

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Améliore la relation client
Live chat & offline messaging for businesses 
  • Wait for visitors to ask questions, or initiate a conversation automatically
  • You and your team answer them in your own time and help them out
  • Happy visitors become satisfied customers 
Get started for free in just three minutes 
Answer questions, solve problems, increase conversions 
  • Boost sales. Answer questions, clarify concerns, cross-sell and upsell with Chatra. We’ll help you to increase the number of orders you receive and boost your average order value. 
  • Build an email list. Every time a customer submits a question when you’re not there, Chatra stores their email to use in your future marketing efforts. In fact, 72% of consumers prefer to receive communication via email. 
  • Defeat cart abandonment. Over 68% of shopping carts never make it to check out. A simple, automatic message asking “Hey, can we help you with anything?” could be the difference between a sale and an abandoned cart. 
Live chat and offline messaging in one product 
 Chat with your website visitors in real time to answer questions and alleviate concerns more easily, building relationships with your visitors and helping them become customers. Live chat is the best way to fight cart abandonment and avoid potentially costly delays replying to website visitors.  
Live chat features:
Chatra is made to increase online sales but in a friendly, helpful way. Just because software is designed for business doesn’t mean it has to be clunky and corporate. You can’t grab a coffee with every single potential customer, but we think that Chatra is the next best thing. 
  • Keeps conversation history, even including unsent messages. Conversations are saved, just like on a smartphone, for both you and your customers, even if they close their browser.
  • Get inside their head. Save time by preparing answers while visitors are still typing and impress them with the speed of your reactions. 
  • Has the capability for group chats. Agents can access all conversations, including those assigned to other team members, and lend a hand when needed. Customers don’t expect this, and it makes your team look super attentive! 
Live chat software designed for humans. Your support team agents aren’t robots, and neither are your potential customers. So why do so many pieces of live chat software treat them like they are? Helpful features are a good start, but they’re not enough for great communication. 
 Offline messaging features:
When offline, be accessible via messenger and reap benefits of direct, conversational communication without the strain of being online 24/7. Уou can automatically engage customers with targeted auto-messages. Use them to collect actionable feedback, build your email list, identify common problems and get a deeper understanding of what your customers really want. Introducing Chatra Messenger. Enjoy the benefits of live chat even when you’re offline. 
  • Automatically initiate conversations with visitors on your site.
  • Answer their question via email or our app in your own time.
  • Turn happy visitors into satisfied customers!
The best of both worlds. As inviting as live chat, as convenient as email. Chatra is better for your customers and easier to manage for you. Chatra welcomes potential buyers with the faces of your team and invites to get in touch through friendly, targeted auto-messages. It’s much easier for them to send you a quick instant message than to send a formal, stuffy email from a contacts page. Chatra delivers their messages directly to you, and can also unobtrusively collect their email address in the process. So you can react at your own pace without feeling the obligation to have live chat software that’s manned at all times. 
Set expectations with Chatra. Chatra makes sure that users understand when they aren’t in a live conversation. So they aren’t frustrated when you don’t reply in no time. We’ll make sure they get the message. Reply from the agent dashboard in your browser, desktop app or mobile app and we’ll make sure it gets delivered, through Chatra Messenger if the visitor is still active on your website or to their email address if they left. ...or you can get in touch with them yourself. If email is your thing, you can use it to reply instead. Chatra can deliver incoming messages to your mailbox (or even your help desk software), so that you can reap the benefits of the service without disrupting your workflow. Try a great live chat experience. If messenger mode is not instant enough, switch to live to let your customers know that you’re working and available to answer their queries in real time. Chatra Live Chat boasts all the bells and whistles of Messenger to provide a consistent experience that’s perfect for both you and your customers. 
Either way, your business is always open with Chatra! 

Lien associé à cet article :
Module Chatra Free Live Chat Integration

Module Azameo

Le Samedi 18 décembre 2021

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Boostez le trafic et les ventes de votre site grâce à Azameo. Pilotez vos campagnes Retargeting, Google et Facebook de façon automatique. Achetez le module aujourd'hui et bénéficiez de 75€ de crédits publicitaires offerts pour démarrer.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Permet d'acquérir de nouveaux clients
Azameo vous aide à accélérer votre business en gérant pour vous et de façon automatisée vos campagnes de Retargeting ainsi que vos campagnes Google et Facebook :
- Gérez vos canaux publicitaires à partir d'une seule plateforme
- Démarrez des campagnes optimisées en quelques minutes
- Configurez automatiquement vos pixels de conversion et votre flux produit
- Mesurez le retour sur investissement de vos campagnes de façon précise
- Optimisez votre ROI en automatique (>300% en moyenne)

Bénéficiez de 75€ de crédits publicitaires offerts pour démarrer.

Ce que vos clients aimeront

Travaillez plus Vite : Créez des campagnes en 3 minutes
Travaillez plus Intelligemment : Mesurez et optimisez votre ROI (>300%)
Vendez plus : Générez du trafic et des conversions

Pas d'engagement,
Pas de frais de mise en place,
Support en Français !


Comment installer le module

1. Allez dans le panneaux d'administration de PrestaShop.

2. Allez dans Modules et Services.

3. Cliquez "Ajouter un module". Sélectionnez le fichier du module téléchargé et installez le. 

Une fois le module installé, cliquez sur "Configurer".
Si vous ne voyez pas le module dans la liste, appuyez sur F5.
Voilá, le module est installé.

Comment utilisez

1. Allez sur la page de configuration du module Azameo.

2. Si vous n'avez pas encore de compte Azameo, appuyez sur "Créer un compte Azameo"

3. Vous êtes prêt à lancer des campagnes hyper performantes !

Lien associé à cet article :
Module Azameo


Pour une réponse plus rapide, décrivez au mieux votre projet, détaillez votre besoin et les compétences dont vous avez besoin.

Adresse : 18 Rue Félibre Gaut, 13100 Aix-en-Provence

Téléphone : +33 9 81 88 25 84

E-mail : [email protected]

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