Module SEO/SMO Assistant

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

iPresta SEO/SMO assistant module is the world's most complete PrestaShop SEO solution which improves your SEO/SMO ranking, generates products SEO report, adds structured data, and improves your shared links on social medias. (Multilingual)

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Optimise le référencement naturel (SEO) sur tous les moteurs de recherche
Check the new update!

A revolution in PrestaShop SEO with PrestaShop SEO Assistant Module new version.

SEO Assistant module uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) now :)
The most complete SEO solution for PrestaShop is right in your hands!

By using PrestaShop SEO Assistant module:
  • Your shop's SEO ranking will be improved
  • Your shop's SMO ranking will be improved (How your shop pages look when its link is shared on social medias)
  • Your website traffic will be increased
  • Multilingual (SEO and SMO for each language!)
  • Overview your SEO Reports on your PrestaShop admin dashboard panel [NEW]
  • Check your products SEO report
  • Check list of SEO Un-Friendly Products
  • Check your SEO preferences report
  • Check your Structured Data Preview on Google
  • Check your products' title SEO status while adding/editing a product
  • Check your products' short description SEO status while adding/editing a product
  • Check your products' full description SEO status while adding/editing a product
  • Sort short and full description most used words (word's weight) for each language while adding/editing a product
  • Smart words suggestion for each of your products and for each language separately divided into three levels. Level 1: Best matched suggestions with your product name, Level 2: Probably good matched suggestions with your product name, and Level 3: Further matched suggestions with your product name. (AI) [NEW]
  • Smart description analysis and recommendations based on your description for each language
  • Calculate Flesch Reading Ease Score for your English descriptions to check how easy-to-read is it (AI)
  • Check how SEO Friendly are your shop URLs
  • Add your social media account links to your Google search results
  • Your shop information will be better recognized by search engines such as Google, etc...
  • Your products information will be better recognized by search engines such as Google, etc...
  • Your shop will be more social media friendly
  • You can easily add your shop/corporation information Schema, Open Graph tags, Twitter cards, Facebook cards, Dubli Core Metadata, Pinterest Rich Pins and Verification Code, and Google Webmaster verification code to your shop [NEW]
  • Upload custom preview image for your shop index page used in Open Graphs and Twitter Cards [NEW]
  • Fix "Duplicate Meta Description" error on Google Webmaster page by adding canonical links
  • Add language alternate links to your shop
  • Do everything to improve SEO and SMO in less than 5 mins!

Ce que vos clients aimeront

They'll see your shop shared links in a better shape on social medias. Also they can see your products price when they're appeared in search engine search results!

Module will consult you to help you improve your SEO/SMO ranking as much as possible.


This module is easy to install and use:
  • Login to your backoffice
  • Go to the "Modules and Services" menu
  • Click on "Add a new module"
  • Upload the ZIP file you've downloaded and click on "Upload this module" button
  • Click on "Install" button
  • Click on "Configure" button


This module is your professional assistant tool for SEO and SMO improvements
Also it has a user friendly configuration page which gives you the ability to manage your SEO and SMO fields in less than 5 minutes!

SEO Report Center
Inside the module's configuration page, you can check your SEO related preferences and see how they are set and working! Module will show you an alert if it finds any issue :)

SEO Un-Friendly Products Report
The SEO Assistant module will list all your SEO Un-Friendly products for each language automatically. From now on, you'll never ever miss a product SEO again! Keep all your products information SEO friendly.

In-Detailed Product SEO Report
While adding a new product or editing an existing one, module will add a new called "SEO Assistant". There you can check your product's title SEO, short description SEO, and full description SEO status for each language separately.

We'll show you if your product title and short description is standard and SEO friendly (for each language) and also show you the most used words inside your product short and full description (counted words' weight). Module will guide you how to get the best results for your products SEO rankings!

Smart words suggestion based on product titles divided into 3 levels (multi lingual) [NEW], smart description analysis and generating recommendations based on the content, calculating the Flesch Reading Ease Score for English descriptions to see how easy-to-read is your description, all thanks to the module's built-in AI.

Manage viewport meta tag
Easily add viewport tag to your theme to disable user zoom ability in browsers which is necessary for responsive designs (useful if you get viewport error on analysis services)

Manage Corporation/shop Schemas [Structured Data]
This module will add your:
  • Shop Name
  • Shop Legal Name
  • Shop Brand Name
  • Shop Logo
  • Shop Social Media Account Links
  • Shop Image
  • Shop main Telephone
  • Shop Introduction/Description
  • Shop Phone Numbers (Sales, Customer Support, Technical Support, and Package Tracking departments)
  • Shop Address
  • Shop Postal Code
  • Shop Country
  • Shop City
into Corporation Schema Tag. This tag will be recognized by Google and some other search engines so your information will have the chance to be shown on search results!

You can preview your structured data using "Google Data Structure Testing Tool".
Also you can choose between using json/LD format (recommended by Google) or HTML markup format.

Manage Open Graph meta tags
By integrating Open Graph meta tags into your page's content, you can identify which elements of your page you want to show when someone share's your page.
In this module you can control that in which pages (Homepage, Category pages, Product Pages, CMS Pages, and other pages) you want to integrates Open Graph meta tags.
You can upload custom preview image for your shop index page used inside Open Graphs meta data (multi lingual). [NEW]

Manage Facebook Tags
You can easily add your Facebook Page ID and Facebook APP ID meta tags into your shop.

Manage Twitter Cards
All you need to do, is to provide module your shop's Twitter account username! Then it'll add all necessary Twitter Card meta tags into your shop.
You can upload custom preview image for your shop index page used inside Twitter Cards meta data (multi lingual). [NEW]

Manage Pinterest Rich Pins
It will implement Pinterest Rich Pins meta data into your shop so you can share your products on Pinterest. You are also able to verify your Pineterst account using this module. [NEW]

Manage Dublin Core Metadata
This module will add Dublin Core Metadata into your shop easily and with one click. They will help search engines to recognize your shop better. [NEW]

Verify Google Webmaster
If you don't have verified your shop's Google Webmaster account yet, just insert its verification code inside the module and click on "Verify" button in you Google Webmaster account.

Fix "Duplicate Meta Description" error on Categories
If you get duplicate description error on your Google Webmaster tool dashboard, you can easily add rel next and rel prev canonical links into your category pages and fix this issue!

Manage language alternate links
This module will add languages rel links in your shop which is used by Google to know what languages do you have in your shop and what are the links to those langs!

Add products price to search results
This module will add your products prices for each active currency directly into search results!

Manage SEO and SMO multilingual!
Not only you can improve your SEO and SMO ranking easily, but you'll have control to insert different information and data for each language!
Can you imagine how effective it is to adjust the shown information on search engines and social medias in different languages separately?

Also the module is translated into 10+ languages!

Have fun, boost your SEO and increase your traffic!


This module is not compatible with multishop yet :)

Nouveautés de la version 3.0.1(14/04/2020)

  • * FIX: showing wrong name for product inside OpenGraph tags only for shops with missing language ID
  • * FIX: minor issue with category description OG
  • * UPDATE: copyright year updated to 2020

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iPresta is the Iranian Premium PrestaShop Partner, offering high quality services and addons, consultancy, sales management and productivity enhancement for your online store.