Module CMS in category

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Associates a category with CMS pages to display text, images, videos, etc in the category page.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Optimise le référencement naturel (SEO) sur tous les moteurs de recherche
  • Second description on category page.
  • Provides the customer with additional information on the category page.
  • Improves user experience.
  • Optimizes the SEO positioning of your shop.
  • Creates cms pages to associate with your categories. Advantage of the rich text editor.
  • Easy to install.
  • A very intuitive module and very easy to configure.

Ce que vos clients aimeront

Customers can view more information on the category page.


First of all, click “Add new module” at modules tab on back office. You will find it in the top right. After that, select packaged file you have downloaded and click “Upload file”. Now your module appears on modules list. Click on “Install”, and “Configure” next.
You can also unload .zip file and upload it into your modules directory. In this way you will install and configure module from modules admin.

PrestaShop 1.5 and PrestaShop 1.6
To display the texts of the CMS pages associated with a category will need to add the following code in the template file category.tpl in use.

PrestaShop 1.7
To display the texts of the CMS pages associated with a category will need to add the following code in the template file templates/catalog/listing/product-list.tpl in use.


This module allows to display unlimited information on the category page. Taking advantage of the capacity of the CMS pages with its possibility to add HTML content (text, images, videos, etc.) you have the possibility to add more texts with images and videos on the category page.

In PrestaShop 1.7 it appears by default in the hook under the products.

In previous versions, you can use the hook that this module adds in your store to position it in any position on the category page.

In the module configuration you can associate CMS pages to a category and view a list of all associations with the possibility of removing or canceling these associations.


First create the CMS page without indexing in the search engines and then go into the module configuration to associate it with the category.

Nouveautés de la version 1.2.0(22/06/2021)

  • ADD: Hide the CMS Pages in Pagination

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