Module Fast Converter - Exchange Rates

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Fast Converter - Exchange Rates module is helping you to make fast conversions with exchange rates.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

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After adding the desired products to the cart, the customers must go to the shopping cart to use the exchange rates module. There they will find the button named "Currency Exchange". After clicking on it, a popup will open to show the converter and the history with this year's conversion chart.
Ex: Exchange from USD to EUR or vice versa. Set the amount and see the result with 2 or 4 decimals.

Ce que vos clients aimeront


Installation is absolutely the most simple one possible. ONE STEP INSTALL ONLY. Upload your purchased module and click install.
After installing, put the module on live mode and that's all, you can now use it very simply.


View your currency exchange with a fast converter. You can find the button with currency exchange at the checkout page. A popup will appear and then you can set the "Change from" and "Change to" different currencies. Enter the amount and check the box if you want to see the result with 4 decimals. To invert the currencies, click on the orange button.
History tab will show you the chart of evolution in our current year of the currencies you want to check.

Nouveautés de la version 1.0.0(15/06/2021)

  • Initial release

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