Module Moove Logística

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Your shipping, tracking and delivery in a linear journey connecting your store's orders to Moove shipment system, providing your customer an experience in delivering and allowing you to manage your shipments directly from your store.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Propose un moyen de livraison adapté à vos clients
  • This App will help you to connect your store's orders to Moove
shipment system, providing your customer an experience in delivering.
  • Using the Moove official App you will be able to create your shipment order using information from your customer's orders.
  • You will be able to manage and tracking your shipping list directly from your Store.
  • To use this App, you have to be a Moove's partner. Please let us know your interesting in our communication's channels.
  • For a user to be a Moove partner, he must email our commercial team, informing the location of operation and number of vehicles. Afterwards, our operational team will contact you, to make the proper registration.
  • For a user to have access to our API key, just email our commercial team, requesting a contact. Afterwards, we will formalize a commercial proposal and, being approved by the user, we will inform the Moove API access token.

To use this App, you have to be a Moove's partner


  • To install Moove's module, just search "Moove" in your Modules Catalog and install;
  • You have to be a Moove's partner to setup your API Key at "Settings" module session;
  • For be a Moove partner, contact us using our channels. Afterwards, our operational team will contact you, to make the proper registration.


  • Create your shipment request at Moove using your store orders informations;
  • Manage your Moove's shipments directly in your store control panel;
  • Create free shipments request at Moove directly in your store control panel;

Nouveautés de la version 1.0.0(03/11/2021)

  • - adding product key

Support et mises à jour

Lors de l'achat, votre abonnement Business Care de votre première année est automatiquement inclus, puis reconduit tacitement à la fin de la période.

Vous pouvez résilier votre abonnement à tout moment, avant la fin de la période en cours.

Les services inclus dans votre abonnement

  • Mises à jour sécurité
  • Mises à jour compatibilité
  • Évolutions et futures fonctionnalités
  • Support illimité

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