Module Display Add to Cart Button in Product listing pages

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Display “Add to Cart”, “Select Options”, “View Details” button in product listing pages and increase average cart value by offering the best user experience.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Augmente le panier moyen de vos clients
Why do you need the Display Add To Cart Button in Product listing pages?
When you display the Add to Cart button in your product listing pages, you cut the number of clicks that a customer must go through to make a purchase. Surely, the fewer clicks, the more likely it is to make a purchase.  Your customer can be able to add their favorite product in cart directly from the listing pages.
So, the module is one of the must-have tools for increasing the average cart value.

Various options for the "Add to Cart" button.
You can display “Add to cart”  button with or without a quantity input box, display "Select Options" button for products with attributes, display "View Details" button when your product is out of stock, customization is required or something else if the product cannot be added to the cart.


1.     Display “Add to Cart” button in all the Product listing pages.
2.     Option to display product quantity input box.
3.     Option to display “Select Options” button at the place of Add to Cart button, if the product has combination.
4.     Display “View Details” button at the place of Add to Cart button, if the product is out of stock, required customizable input or not enabled to place order.
5.     Multiple color configuration options.
6.     Easy to install and use.

Nouveautés de la version 3.0.0(13/04/2021)

  • Initial upload

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