Module Product Installments Info

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

With this module you can show to your customers information about the possibility to buy your products in bank installments, having the possibility to see the monthly payment depending on the number of installments selected.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Incite vos visiteurs à finaliser leurs achats
If you offer your customers the opportunity to buy the products in bank installments, with this module you can display information about the available installments, as well as the cost per month depending on the number of installments and interest.

The information can be displayed on the product page, depending on the price of the product, or on the shopping cart page, depending on the total shopping cart.

An unlimited number of banks can be added, and for each bank, an unlimited number of installments. The customer can see the monthly cost for each number of installments.


  • add unlimited banking institutions
  • easily activates / deactivates the bank
  • add unlimited number of installments per bank
  • set the interest rate for each installment
  • easily activates / deactivates installment


The information about the bank installments is added manually, by the administrator, and they are purely informative, they do not represent a payment method.

Nouveautés de la version 1.0.1(02/12/2021)

  • Minor fixes

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