Module Show wholesale prices in order details

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Displays the cost / wholesale prices of the products contained in the order
The module generates a list of the products that the order has, indicating the cost price

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Vous fait gagner du temps
At a glance, you can check the profit of an order knowing the cost of the products
Check that the orders are profitable.
You can change the prices of the products when you check that the sale price is not adjusted to earn money
Saves time to check product prices against cost and wholesale prices
Check that the order that a buyer has made, you do not lose money
Know the cost of and wholesale prices of the order placed


Install module
Enter order page and show information
Products must have the cost or wholesale price


Shows the cost of the product per line
Show the cost of the combination per line


Products must have the cost or wholesale price

Nouveautés de la version 1.5.1(11/08/2021)

  • calculate total

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