Module Customize order reference

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Allows you to modify the order reference to make it numerical, add a prefix or suffix. It is possible to indicate the start number.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Facilite la gestion de votre SAV
  • Ideal for a B2B and B2C store
  • Differentiate the orders generated in each store
  • Friendly Reference Number
  • Facilitate contact with your customers from the store.
  • Do you have any doubt? Do not hesitate to send us a message and we will respond as soon as possible.


1 - From the backOffice go to modules and click on "Upload a module".
2 - Drag the zip that was just downloaded for the module to install.
3 - Once installed, click on configure to fill the different configuration options offered by the module.
  • Prefix: Fragment of static text that will be added at the beginning of your reference. It can be left empty if we don't want a prefix.
  • Suffix: Fragment of static text that will be added at the end of your reference. It can be left empty if we don't want a suffix.
  • Length: Number of numbers we want the reference to have (not counting the prefix and suffix characters). We can put 0 so that the quantity is dynamic.
  • Increase number in: Number that will be added to the reference with each order.
  • Start increasing in: Number with which they will begin to count our references


  • Easy to install.
  • Multi-store.
  • Allows you to configure a prefix and suffix in the reference.
  • Possibility to select a different range for each store.

Nouveautés de la version 1.0.0(24/02/2020)

  • Change logo

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