Module Resend merchant email

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Tired of placing new trial orders every time you want to touch up the "New order" email that the store seller receives? Do you need to send the email of the order to another person?
This is your module!

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Vous fait gagner du temps
  • Allows you to modify the email received by the seller without having to place new orders continuously.
  • It allows sending the email of the order to a third party, such as a dropshipper or another person of interest, selectively.
  • Allows you to resend the seller's email AFTER modifying the order.
  • You just have to press a button to resend the email.


1) You can install the module from Backoffice :

Go to section "Modules" and select "Add new module"
Select the .zip file downloaded from Addons after purchase
Upload the .zip
Search the module in the list and click "Install"
Configure your desired merchant email


  • Merchant can have order confirmation mail later on request from Admin.

Nouveautés de la version 1.0.0(13/01/2020)

  • First version

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