Module General conditions of sale and contract

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

This module will allow you to send by email, with a client's order confirmation, a copy of the general conditions of sale of your website. This will be included at the end of the email.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Vous protège contre les litiges
As a seller, you can send a copy of the conditions of sale, which will help you to comply with the regulations, have a safe business and avoid possible penalties.

Ce que vos clients aimeront

Your customers will easily have access to the general conditions of sale accepted with their order, which will give you guarantees and will translate into greater transparency of your store with respect to the customer.


The installation and configuration of the module does not require any advanced knowledge. The installation and configuration steps are really simple:
- Install the module by selecting it from the modules section of the administration area of your website.
- Once installed, indicate which is your CMS page that includes your General Conditions of Sale.


You can send in the order confirmation email, a copy of the general conditions of sale and contracting followed by your store to the customer who has completed the purchase subject to these conditions.

Nouveautés de la version 1.0.0(26/02/2021)

  • First version

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