Module Product List Attributes

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Display attribute drop down menus, radio buttons or images and a quantity box on any page that lists product, allowing the customer to quickly add a product to the cart directly from that page

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Optimise le tunnel d'achat
Customers get to the checkout page faster when they can select product attributes and quantities right on the home page, Category, Manufacturer, Supplier, Search, New Products or any other page with products!


Works on Homepage (Featured), Category, Manufacturer, Supplier, Search, New Products, Specials, Top Sellers or any other pages.

Works with Layered Navigation, Ajax filter, and any other ajax based filter (instructions included in the module's configuration page).

You can define the maximum number of attribute groups which will be displayed (per product).

You can choose the sort order or the attributes and groups (only in product list pages).

You can copy attributes from one product to another.

Nouveautés de la version 2.0.1(09/01/2020)

  • First Version

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