Module Product Attachments Pro

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Prestashop Product Attachments Module enables you to attach downloadable files to specific products and categories. Limit download count, restrict files by customer groups, and make it downloadable before/after order.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Vous fait gagner du temps
Prestashop Product Attachments module extends the default file attachment feature where the files need to be attached to each product from the product edit sheet. This module makes it easy to attach files to specific products and categories with just a few clicks. No need to visit each product page.

Prestashop Product Attachments module also enables you to limit file download i.e the number of times a file can be downloaded. You can also choose to make the file downloadable after or before order the order is placed and make the files visible to specific customer groups only.


Features of Prestashop Product Attachments Module

  • Attach files to specific products and categories
  • Make files visible before/after order
  • Limit the number of times a file can be downloaded
  • Maintains a history of files downloaded by a customer
  • Restrict files by customer groups

Nouveautés de la version 1.0.0(07/04/2021)

  • Initial Release

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