Module Attribute Wizard

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Display your attributes as Radio Button, Checkbox, or DropDown, add group images and descriptions, and control the order of groups and items. Unrivaled flexibility for displaying attribute options to customers.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Propose un produit adapté à vos clients
A top-selling module that provides excellent flexibility and dozens of options for how you display attributes to customers, making it easy for your users to find the product options they need. Display images for each attribute group and attribute value. 
* Please note that the module allows for checkboxes to be used only for attribute groups with two values (as PrestaShop does not allow for more than one attribute value to be selected from each group).
You can display different attribute groups set as checkboxes together.
If you need to use checboxes for attribute groups with multiple values, you will have to use our Attribute Wizard Pro module.

Ce que vos clients aimeront

Customers can view images of each attribute right where they select the options they want, making it easier than every before to shop on your site. A picture is worth 1000 words and this module lets you display attribute group and attribute value images for every option you offer, on the product page or in a popin. And works great with 'dependent attributes,' and uses PrestaShop's default combination generator. 


 Installation is easy; upload via your back office Modules page or directly to your server via FTP. 


Use a custom hook to display attributes anywhere on the product page.  


This module lets you completely customize the attributes in Prestashop.

No core code changes needed and installation is easy. Uses the default PrestaShop Combination Generator! 

Uses a custom hook to display attribute options anywhere on your product page or in a popin. 

You can choose to display attributes as Radio ButtonsCheckboxes, and DropDown Menus.

* Please note that the module allows for checkboxes to be used only for attribute groups with two values (as PrestaShop does not allow for more than one attribute value to be selected from each group).
You can display different attribute groups set as checkboxes together.
If you need to use checboxes for attribute groups with multiple values, you will have to use our Attribute Wizard Pro module.

You can use an image next to each attribute group and add a description as well (with html in it).

You can use Attribute Color / Texture.

You can have it open in a popup or on the product page.

You can control the order of attribute groups and items, and display multiple options in the same line.

The price impact will be displayed next to each option and will automatically reflect changes.

It lets you copy attributes from one product to another, or to a category (to all the products in it).

Nouveautés de la version 1.6.9(15/07/2016)

  • 1.6.9 - Updated to match PSR-2 coding standard

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