Module Custom Tabs Pro

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Custom Tabs For Products module allows Custom Tabs Pro is an advanced custom tab for products for including additional custom information on the front end. With the help of this module, you can add unlimited tabs in product.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Optimise la gestion de votre catalogue
One Step To Add Unlimited Custom Tabs On Products Of Category(ies), And Manufacturer(s)
product pages have only three tabs, it does not allow admin to extend or add new tabs. But now admin can add unlimited tabs in products page using Custom tabs extension.

Admin can enter the title of the tab that will display with the existing three tabs. There is an option to add a description that will display in the tab when it selected.will present if your websites using multi-languages for websites. Admin can enter information in all languages that are currently installed.
Custom tab extension given selection for products, category, and manufacturer.


Admin can select where this custom tab should be displayed and select accordingly. The product having links with categories, and the manufacturer will display the custom tab automatically.

1.Title of Tab.
3.Select Categories, products, manufacturers to show custom tab on linked products. can add unlimited number of dynamic tabs on product page.
5.Enable and disable the module.

Nouveautés de la version 1.0.3(08/11/2021)

  • update

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