Module Pay with Tikkie

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Payment method where you send an Tikkie to to customer. The customer can pay the Tikkie and complete the order. The customer will use the iDeal payment.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Propose un paiement adapté à vos clients
Tikkie is a very populair payment method in the Netherlands. Allow customers to pay with Tikkie and get more revenue.

Tikkie is a very easy to use payment method with low cost. Costs per transaction are Euro 0.25, for low volumes, high volumes are cheaper.

Ce que vos clients aimeront

Customers are used to pay tikkies in the Netherlands. Most customers are used to work with Tikkie, because they can create them to pay with friends. So most customers will rely on the payment method and will use this. Tikkie is a save and secure payment method.


Normal installation process. The manual will describe how to get an account at Tikkie(s)


  • Payment method for checkout page
  • Overview of all Tikkie payments

  • Nouveautés de la version 1.0.5(31/05/2021)

    • call back function from Tikkie
    • orderstatusses configurable

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