Module Google Tag Manager

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

"Manage your labels (TMS) replaces the encoded labels that are used for your web positioning, digital analytics, Marketing,

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Permet d'analyser votre trafic
This module generates a data layer so you can take full advantage of Google's Tag Manager.
Also, the installation is very simple (1 click and a configuration file for GTM)

Ce que vos clients aimeront

With more information about the behavior of your customers,
You can customize your online store to suit your needs.


You need a Google Tag Manager account
Install the module (automatic installer) and enter your GTM ID (GTM-XXXXXX) Configure your tags in Google Tag Manager by importing the configuration file

Enjoy improved GTM and analytics and its new detailed reports!


This module includes all the features to comply with the latest EU GDPR privacy regulations.
Does not save confidential data
Anonymous IP


The Google Tag Manager has elements that it works with and that we should know:
Tags: these are the code snippets that will allow us to measure and track visits, count conversions, etc.


Google Tag Manager already has some default tags related to various online marketing campaign management and monitoring products, and we can also add any other HTML or image tag if not related to above.

Nouveautés de la version 0.0.1(17/06/2020)

  • 1

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