Module Scroll to Top

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Scroll to Top module allows you to activate and customize a scroll top button on the front office of your PrestaShop store. The scrolling is animated and the button is slowly fading. Upload your image and configure the animation.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Facilite la navigation de vos utilisateurs
Scroll to Top button improves navigation and user experience on your PrestaShop store. This feature is very useful especially on long pages as categories and smaller resolution devices like tablets and smartphones.


Installation is absolutely the most simple one possible. ONE STEP INSTALL ONLY. Upload your purchased module and click install.



Scroll to Top comes with the following features:

- One click to activate or deactivate the scroll button on the front office of your store
- Set the time delay animation of the scroll to top in milliseconds
- Set the width size of your button
- Set the height size of your button
- The ability to upload the image of your choice 
- Set the animation of your icon. You can choose between heartbeat animation, pulse animation, rotation animation or none
- Set the transparency of your icon
- Fade hide and fade appearance of button depending on the position of scroll 


    If you are having problems with our Prestashop module, please contact us. In this page, browse to “INFORMATION” and you’ll find a link to contact developers, click on it and send us your questions.
    ✔ Are you having problems with the installation? If the module advices you about override conflicts, please tell us and we’ll merge them for you.
    ✔ Help while installing and configuring: if you’re having doubts installing or configuring our module, contact us and our team will help you for free.
    ✔ Updates: Our modules are always up to date in order to guarantee that the work correctly with every Prestashop version.
We need your comments and evaluation!
Your evaluation is very important for us. If our products and services have been useful for you, please give us five stars. Five stars will help us to keep on working with the same energy and adding new functions to our modules.

Nouveautés de la version 1.1.2(05/01/2021)

  • Update to the last version of Prestashop

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