Module Infinite Scroll Highlighting Last Product Viewed

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

This module replace the useless pagination in a very simple way.
Show all your products in only one page. Compatible with the filter bar.
And the best: When user go back you can highlight the last product viewed.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Facilite la navigation de vos utilisateurs
Significantly improve navigation for its users.
They will be able to browse product listings without the need to click on unnecessary pages. And once you enter a product and return to the list, you can continue browsing from where it ended


With this module you can change:
  • Live Mode
  • Choose Product, Filter, Container and Next Selectors Or fill default selectors of Prestashop 1.7
  • Decide the text to be displayed when there are no more products to display
  • Decide the text to be displayed when there is some error.
  • Choose the loading animation. 100% with CSS. Dont have to load images.
  • Choose loading animation Width Scale
  • Choose loading animation Height Scale
  • Choose animation for highlight the last product viewed.

Nouveautés de la version 1.0.0(27/11/2019)

  • 1.0.0

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