Module Setting up the code for tinyMCE editor

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

You can edit the page description using a text code editor by submitting the html code in a convenient format. Using two editors to choose from and possible settings, and that's all for tinyMCE editor, in which you write html code.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Optimise l'expérience utilisateur
Exactly who uses the tinyMCE description as editing a description in the form of html, then this editor module with the output of good and convenient html is more suitable for you, because you may have everything in a simple text format. Using this module, you can compose more complex content of the description page (display blocks, move blocks, add attributes to blocks, etc.). That is, it turns out like this:
- ease of writing and parsing code

Ce que vos clients aimeront

The client will immediately quickly see changes in the content of the description on the page, if, accordingly, the content has a more complex block.


1. Select the zip archive of the backlighttinymcecode module and install
2. After installation, it is advisable to clear the cache (for the normal display of the editor) if you are working at a computer you need to press the "Ctrl + f5" keys, if in the phone you need to go to the data management section and clear the cache.
3. After installation, go to the module settings and configure the editor as you need.



If you write a description and edit the html code, then you do not have to copy the code to other editors to fix any errors, a built-in html editor for tinyMCE was specially made for you, so that you can immediately edit the html code without any additional installed programs. and parsing the code


Nouveautés de la version 1.0.1(16/02/2021)

  • in the functional part, the path for saving settings for sites with https has been changed

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