Module Appicon - Apple Touch Icon

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Use the apple touch icon on smartphones and tablets to make your shop more special!
Your shop will have a bigger icon in the bookmarks and looks like an app when saved to the homescreen.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Permet de fidéliser vos clients
With more mobile web users than ever, it’s important to keep your branding strong. This module will increase your returning customers really easy just because your shop will be more visible in the bookmarks by showing your logo as a large tile. Be one of the first ones to use the apple touch icon as an appicon on mobile devices. This is a new technique not yet used by many shops.
As you can see in the screenshots, you will have a huge advantage over other saved pages which are still using the old fashioned favicons. And your shop will look like an app without having the need to spend the money on developing one.

This is the fasted and easiest way to get ahead of your competitors and give your shop a modern touch in there bookmarks and on their homescreen.


The installation is just as easy as installing any regular module.
Upload zip-file, activate, upload your image file and the appicon is integrated into your shop.

To be on the safe side, there is a step-by-step instruction in the installation package.
If you have any problems installing this module, feel free to contact me.


This module will generate appicons (large icon tile) for all mobile devices which support the apple touch icon. You only need to upload one image and this module does the rest for you.
  • Works on most modern iPhones / iPads / Android Devices
  • Generates appicons (large icon of your logo) in all needed sizes and a favicon in the highest resolution
  • Inserts header tags for all devices
  • Supports transparency for rounded corners
  • Displays your icon on the homescreen and in most bookmark collections

Nouveautés de la version 1.3.10(14/07/2021)

  • Removed contact email

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