Module Advanced Event Booking PRO

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

The first event booking and tickets generator is bringing all the necessary features you need to manage event bookings. Most complex ticket and event booking system so you don't need to buy more than 1 module.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Optimise la gestion de votre catalogue
Advanced Event Booking PRO PrestaShop module gives you the option of booking events (in a very organised manner), adding them as products, show the events to the customers in a front office calendar, issue customized tickets and sell them to your customers based on the booked events.

Multi-Store Usage
This module is compatible with multi-store Prestashop. You can install the module in all your stores in a multi-store and use different configurations for each of them or configure once for all stores.

Multi-Language Usage
This module is compatible with multi-language Prestashop. Our module allows you to change the text for each language you want to have it in your website.

Full Responsive
Designed by experienced designers, our module has developed by a team of certified programmers and front end developers in order to offer your customers the best full responsive experience.

Easy installation
Advanced Event Booking PRO module is easy to install and use. To install, simply upload the zip and start the web based Installation via your Prestashop back-office.
Advanced Event Booking PRO is the most complete and flexible system on the Prestashop marketplace.

Search Engine Friendly Links
With Advanced Event Booking PRO, your event booking links will be SEO-friendly.

Ce que vos clients aimeront

Book their tickets easily through a user friendly interface and let them join your event with just one barcode ticket.


Installation is absolutely the most simple one possible. ONE STEP INSTALL ONLY. Upload your purchased module and click install.


Advanced Event Booking PRO comes with the following features:

- Select the designated events category
- Specify the number of years to display future events
- Specify the starting year for the events 
- Specify the number of days for which the upcoming events will be displayed
- Display “Upcoming Events” on the left column
- Display “Upcoming Events” on the right column

- Select the codebar type
- Set codebar's code length

Category style:
- Color-code events based on their default category in the front office

How to add events: Go to "Catalog" -> "Products". Add event's details and do not forget to set it to "virtual product". Click on the "Modules" section and then start to configure it with the Advanced Event Booking Pro module.


    If you are having problems with our Prestashop module, please contact us. In this page, browse to “INFORMATION” and you’ll find a link to contact developers, click on it and send us your questions.
    ✔ Are you having problems with the installation? If the module advises you about override conflicts, please tell us and we’ll merge them for you.
    ✔ Help while installing and configuring: if you’re having doubts installing or configuring our module, contact us and our team will help you.
    ✔ Updates: Our modules are always up to date in order to guarantee that they work correctly with every Prestashop version.
    We need your comments and evaluation!
    Your evaluation is very important for us. If our products and services have been useful for you, please give us five stars. Five stars will help us to keep on working with the same energy and adding new functions to our modules.

Nouveautés de la version 1.3.0(27/10/2021)

  • Fixed issue with the multi-store category display.

Support et mises à jour

Lors de l'achat, votre abonnement Business Care de votre première année est automatiquement inclus, puis reconduit tacitement à la fin de la période.

Vous pouvez résilier votre abonnement à tout moment, avant la fin de la période en cours.

Les services inclus dans votre abonnement

  • Mises à jour sécurité
  • Mises à jour compatibilité
  • Évolutions et futures fonctionnalités
  • Support illimité

Vous souhaitez avoir plus de détails? Découvrez les questions les plus fréquemment posées autour de Business Care.

Avis déposé par , Dimanche 16 mai 2021
Super module que j'utilise pour la billetterie de tournois de notre jeu de cartes à collectionner. Le support est très réactif en cas de besoin, très pro et compétent. Je recommande.

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