Module Order Files upload and attach files to orders

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

The module gives yours customers and employees the possibility to upload and attach any file to given order or shopping cart. Easily attach PDF, JPG, XLS or any other file to any order as employee or as customer.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Améliore la relation client
Sometimes you need to upload some files and attach them to some order. Sometimes it is just a waybill, sometimes a specific evaluation. With this module you, your employee and your customers can attach any type of file to any order. Also shop employees can set parameters of uploaded files like: visibility to customer or permission to delete.

New feature since 2.1.0
Now customers can upload files in shopping cart during checkout! Also shop owner can enable or disable upload panel


Standard installation. After installation you should set max files per order and max file size.


Module features:

  • Customers can attach any type of file with a optional description to his orders
  • Customers can delete or download file that they have attached
  • Customers can upload files during checkout -NEW-
  • You can upload any type of file to shop server and attach it to given order
  • You can set parameters of file that you have attached
  • Other shop employees can download uploaded files
  • To every file you can add short description
  • You can remove old files with one click in configuration panel
  • You can set files limit per order and max file size in configuration panel
  • Nouveautés de la version 2.4.1(23/02/2021)

    • Quick version compatibility bugfix

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