Module Automatic Product description generator

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

With our module generator you can automate the writing of thousands of search engine optimized product descriptions short description in multiple languages for your online store. 1-click you can generate description whole products.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Optimise la gestion de votre catalogue
This module adding product description easy and use other product info in the text type

Features be split and usable one by one. Also possibility to put different text on different categories. This will automatically create product description in different languages after configured.

Writing product description and short description for each product take a lot of time, especially when your store has hundreds of product. Description takes care of this problem by automating the whole process with help of Features and some text you put between. Merchant just needs to configure the module and with a single click, this module will generate the description for all the Products . Every Product will have unique text description based on Product Name, Features and other data you use to trim this text.

like .
Product Name
Product Category ,
Product reference ,
Product Manufacturer ,
Product retail price with tax ,
Product retail price without tax ,
Product specific price with tax ,
Product specific price without tax ,
Product reduction ,
Product features ,
Shop Title

selected and add text in module configure .

Use data from you shop to automatically write unique texts for both short description and description that contain what Google want in a text.
So, what is Google looking for in a text? Forget selling texts. Facts is the key. With our module you can construct good descriptions using your feature data and attributes and more. Unique and meaningful product descriptions have an effect on the visibility in search engines and on the behavior of users in an online shop.
Create quality product descriptions that highlight benefits to effectively boost the conversion rate and shopping cart size! Our automation module offers you all the features you need to create meaningful product descriptions faster than ever before.
Writing product descriptions for each product can take a lot of time especially when your store has hundreds, or maybe thousands of products. Our Description module takes care of this problem by automating the whole process. Merchant just needs to configure the module and with a single click, this module will generate the description for all the Products. Every Product will be different based on Product Name
Product Category, Features, Attributes, Product reference, EAN, Product Manufacturer, Product retail price with tax, Product retail price without tax, Product specific price with tax, Product specific price without tax, Product reduction, Shop Title
So just selected and add text in module configure together with product data and you have the perfect SEO text that both your customers and Google will love.

Ce que vos clients aimeront


➤ Log-in Admin Panel / Back-Office
 ➤ Go to Menu: Back-Office >> Modules
 ➤ Add New Module 
➤ Upload zip 
➤ Install & Configure


Best module of Prestashop Automatic Product description . it working very good

Automatic Product description generator


Features of Prestashop Automatic Product description Module
  • Apply Automatic Product descriptiono the whole products with the single click
  • Option to have a different products Multiple rules to select from
-Product Name
-Product Category
-Product Short Description
-Product reference
-Product Manufacturer
-Product retail price with tax
-Product retail price without tax
-Product specific price with tax
-Product specific price without tax
-Product reduction
-Shop Title
  • Multilingual
  • Multishop

Nouveautés de la version 2.1.4(09/08/2021)

  • Multi feature's values add in product description

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