Module AutomaticGroups

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Automatic groups to generate rules that automatically assign cusomers to right groups. This module extend default PrestaShop environment by automaticly apply customers to defined groups.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Vous fait gagner du temps
Facilite la gestion de votre SAV
Merchants get tool that automatically group shop customers by defined rules.
This give ability to manage discounts, newsletters, special prices, tax rules and much more automatically.
For example group "Extra Buyers" have discount defined -5% and groups will be updated automatically with new members after customer did 100 orders.
So merchant don't need to do anything more than just define rule and he will be sure his "Extra Buyers" group will be always up to date.
It give endless possibilities of group use without manually add/remove customer to it.

Ce que vos clients aimeront

No benefits for customer


Module use standard prestashop installation way.
Module add its own admin menu "Automatic Groups" under "Customers" menu


Email notification settings:
1. Group change email
- Define if You wish to send email to customer in case he automatically change group (default: yes)

Real time settings:
1. Real time
- Set real time customer group moving on or off (default: on)
Enable this function if You wish to have the customer in right group as fast as possible.
Validate customer against defined automatic group rules and move them to specified groups is initialized by actions taken by customer on the page.
Disable this function if You prefer to initialize customer validation and moving manually or automatically via cron only.
Please note that not all automatic group rules are supported by this feature.
There is no way to check all date related rules in real time, so rules listed below do not support real time feature:
a) Last order date
b) Order number with date
c) Order product with date
d) Order total with date
e) Registration date
f) Group membership

Log settings
1. Logging
- Set logging system on or off (default: off)
2. Log file path
- Set the path to the directory used for logging (default: ../modules/automaticgroups/log)

Log structure settings
1. Regenerate process start date
- Add regenerate process start date to log file (default: off)
2. Regenerate process end date
- Add regenerate process end date to log file (default: off)
3. Customer's BEFORE groups
- Add list of groups that customer belongs before regenerate process proceed (default: off)
4. Customer's AFTER groups
- Add list of groups that customer belongs after regenerate process proceed (default: off)
5. Customer regenerate process detail
- Add detailed list of steps that are taken on regenerate process for customer (default: off)


Our team guarantee respond to any module related question within 24 hours.

This module extend default PrestaShop environment by automaticly apply customers to defined groups.
Apply is done after validate customers against specified rules.
For example, to group "Extra Buyers" we need to add only customers with order number > 10 and order total sum > 500 EUR.
Apply process can be done manually or automaticly by add execution of this module to PrestaShop "Cron tasks manager" module.
Need any new specyfic rule for this module? Just write to me and I'll add it in very short time.

Example of use:
1. "VIP" group that hold customers that did orders for more than 1000 EUR in last year
- create "VIP" group as normal PrestaShop group
- create automatic group by select "VIP" group and apply any name for example "Auotomati group VIP"
- inside "Automatic gorup VIP" add one rule
- set type as "Order total with date"
- set "Total condition" as "greather than"
- set "Total value" as "1000"
- set "Total currency" as "EUR"
- set "Date condition" as "less than"
- set "Date value" as "365"

2. "Club" group that hold customers that did order of "Club card" product
- create "Club" group as normal PrestaShop group
- create automatic group by select "Club" group and apply any name for example "Auotomati group Club"
- inside "Automatic group Club" add one rule
- set type as "Order product"
- set "Product" to be "Club card"


- 23 available rules
a) Order number - validate customer against created order numbers
This rule can check all or validated orders only
b) Order total - validate customer against sum of order total
This rule can check all or validated orders only
c) Registration date - validate customer against registration date
d) Last order date - validate customer against last order date
This rule can check all or validated orders only
e) Order number with date - validate customer against create order number in specified date period
This rule can check all or validated orders only
f) Order total with date - validate customer against sum of order total in specified date period
This rule can check all or validated orders only
g) Order product - validate customer against order specified product
This rule can check all or validated orders only
There is ability to define minimum product quantity
h) Order product with date - validate customer against order specified product in specified date period
This rule can check all or validated orders only
There is ability to define minimum product quantity
i) Last order total - validate customer against last order total
This rule can check all or validated orders only
j) Company - validate customer against company name defined or not
k) Tax ID - validate customer against tax id number defined or not
l) Email domain - validate customer against email domain
m) Group membership - validate customer against group membership
n) Order product from category - validate customer against order product from specified category
This rule can check all or validated orders only
There is ability to define minimum product quantity
o) Order product from category with date - validate customer against order product from specified category in specified date period
This rule can check all or validated orders only
There is ability to define minimum product quantity
p) Order product from manufacturer - validate customer against order product from specified manufacturer
This rule can check all or validated orders only
There is ability to define minimum product quantity
r) Order product from manufacturer with date - validate customer against order product from specified manufacturer in specified date period
This rule can check all or validated orders only
There is ability to define minimum product quantity
s) Order product with status - validate customer against order product from order with specified status
There is ability to define minimum product quantity
t) Order product total - validate customer against sum of product order total (without discount, shipping, wrapping)
This rule can check all or validated orders only
u) Order product total with date - validate customer against sum of product order total in specified date period (without discount, shipping, wrapping)
This rule can check all or validated orders only
w) Company name - validate customer against company name
x) Order total without shipping - validate customer against sum of order total without shipping total
This rule can check all or validated orders only
y) Order total without shipping with date - validate customer against sum of order total without shipping total in specified date period
This rule can check all or validated orders only

- support multistore
- unlimited number of automatic groups
- unlimited number of rules in automatic group
- manual or automatic mode using cron
- real time mode
- responsive design using standard PrestaShop controls
- add valid customer to defined group
- remove invalid customer from defined group
- ability to define if add customer to groups should remove him from all other groups
- ability to define if add customer to group should make it his default group
- logging system to monitor customer movement inside groups
- order based rules have 2 options available: take only validated or all orders into consideration
- automatically disable AutomaticGroup in case defined group has been removed
- ability to define if AutomaticGroup should take no action or remove customer from defined group in case of negative validation.
- notification system about group change sent to customer via email

Nouveautés de la version 2.0.11(28/03/2019)

  • 2015-06-22 11:35:21 +0100 Initial commit
  • 2015-06-26 07:17:11 +0100 Last order date and registration date rules
  • 2015-06-30 11:13:02 +0100 Order number with date and Order total with date rules
  • 2015-06-30 23:23:43 +0100 PS 1.5.X compatible
  • 2015-08-07 12:39:23 +0100 Order product and Order product with date rules
  • 2015-10-12 22:11:43 +0100 Last order total
  • 2015-11-17 21:04:53 +0100 PHP Warning error fix on view automatic group page
  • 2016-01-07 15:20:15 +0100 New rules: company defined and tax id defined
  • 2016-01-19 14:14:41 +0100 Tax id defined filter bug remove
  • 2016-02-03 15:21:34 +0100 PHP Warning error fix on view automatic group page
  • 2016-03-08 22:15:34 +0100 New rule: email domain
  • 2016-03-10 12:40:52 +0100 Bug when comparing results to 0 fixed
  • 2016-03-24 12:14:11 +0100 New configuration options to clear all groups and set as default on rule validation success
  • 2016-04-18 08:42:32 +0100 New rule: Group membership
  • 2016-05-26 22:14:26 +0100 PS 1.5.6 installation bug fix
  • 2016-07-22 15:34:11 +0100 Product search fix
  • 2016-09-02 18:14:41 +0100 Logging system
  • 2016-09-12 15:56:14 +0100 Additional settings for order based rules to check all or validated orders only
  • 2016-12-08 22:11:53 +0100 PS 1.7.X support, real time mode
  • 2017-06-01 23:50:12 +0100 Core files refactor for improve performance and stability with 4 additional rules
  • 2017-10-12 21:31:46 +0100 Bug fixes for rules that use valid order with date conditions
  • 2017-12-09 20:37:22 +0100 PS 1.7.2 support & Email notification system
  • 2018-02-02 21:31:17 +0100 Bug fix to support early 5.X php version
  • 2018-02-06 23:19:42 +0100 New rule: Order product with status
  • 2018-02-19 21:23:40 +0100 Support day fraction in rules
  • 2018-02-21 21:01:40 +0100 New rule: Order product total, Order product total with date
  • 2018-04-11 22:10:21 +0100 New rule: Company name
  • 2018-06-11 23:09:28 +0100 Fix cron script to support slow servers
  • 2018-11-15 22:42:11 +0100 New rules: Order total without shipping, Order total without shipping with date and fix real time mode switch
  • 2019-02-11 21:22:43 +0100 PS 1.7.5 support
  • 2019-03-28 21:45:21 +0100 Fix registration date rule

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