Module Icecat Integration Solution (WICECAT PRO)

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

This module is a must-have tool if you have hundreds or thousands of products. You can’t imagine how much time you will save in updating or importing the data of thousands of products.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

With this tool, you can tweak your information before updating according to your marketing needs. It does everything that you need to manage your products' content, it allows you to search and choose the products that you want to update, from different search options.
You can also select what parts of technical information you want to update, like short description, long description, features, images, SEO information, plus many more options.
You can also choose the language of your updates or simply update your product information in all your installed languages.
Fully recommended to update all products on your database or to create a complete catalog in your shop by importing products directly from the Icecat Catalog.

Ce que vos clients aimeront

This solution imports the features so they can be used on the filters for the layered navigation.


The module includes an activation WIZARD to help you on checking out the server system requirements and activating the license.
Before installing this module, you need to verify that the server has the minimal system requirements to run this solution you need:
  • PHP 5.3.+
  • Supports PrestaShop from v1.2.x to v1.6.x
  • Maximum amount of memory a script may consume = 512M, recommended = 1024M
  • Maximum size of POST data that PHP will accept = 20M
  • Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds = 0
  • Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data = -1
  • MySQL - Max allowed packet MIN 4M
  • Ouput Buffering to 1
  • Allow URL open
  • GZIP enable

You need as well to have the following libraries:
  • Zlib
  • XML
  • Curl
  • mysql
  • DOM
  • Json

You need to contact us after the purchase with your order number to generate your personal license here :


Some of the main features of this solution are:
  • Import/Update a product datasheet in less than 5 seconds
  • Update product directly from your back office
  • Search for the products that you need to update
  • Select the fields that you need
  • Import products from the Icecat Catalog
  • Tweak the SEO information of the products
  • Import the features as features for layered navigation
  • Relate the products automatically to set the accessories
  • Update by any installed language on your shop at once
  • Mark the searchable features to set the filters for layered navigation
  • Advance search tools to list all the products to update



Nouveautés de la version

  • Minor upgrade for PS v1.7.*

Support et mises à jour

Lors de l'achat, votre abonnement Business Care de votre première année est automatiquement inclus, puis reconduit tacitement à la fin de la période.

Vous pouvez résilier votre abonnement à tout moment, avant la fin de la période en cours.

Les services inclus dans votre abonnement

  • Mises à jour sécurité
  • Mises à jour compatibilité
  • Évolutions et futures fonctionnalités
  • Support illimité

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A propos







Langues du support


WASATO est une entreprise qui offre des solutions aux entreprises pour aider les e-commerçants et les développeurs à créer et gérer des sites e-commerce. C'est une entreprise qui aide les e-commerçants à travers le monde à développer et à faire croitre les ventes en ligne avec des solutions flexibles, innovantes et rentables. L'entreprise a des centaines de boutiques et elle aide les utilisateurs à créer et gérer leur catalogue produits.