Module Déplacement en masse de Produits parmi les Catégories

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

This module help save a lot of time with fast mass/bulk products moving. You can move or copy products from one category to another. It is possible to search for products by name, and then move/copy/assigning into the selected category.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Optimise la gestion de vos stocks
This addon will help you to increase sales by increasing the visibility of products in your store. You can associate products to many categories in bulk.

How can it help?
- You can impoprt products into any category and then move or assign products in to the target. Very easy import !
- You dont need to create duplicates of products - copy function just able to create new relation between product and category, so You manage just one poduct


One click install available for Mass/bulk/batch products move/copy between categories Module


Bulk products move/copy batch operation between categories


- Mass Move products between categories
- Bulk Copy/Assigning/Associate products from one category to another
- Batch Select source category from the list or by id
- Bulk Select all products in the category, or some of them
- Batch Select moving products by products ID
- Select moving products from the search results (search is made in title and description directly in the module)
- Removal of relations between product(s) and categories
- Select the target category from the list
- Support two modes of inserting products in the target category: from the first position in a category or a final position

Nouveautés de la version 1.6.7(27/03/2017)

  • multistore images bug fix remove

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Avis déposé par , Mardi 13 juillet 2021
Bon module. SAV efficace.

A propos


ZLAB Solutions





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