Module Afterbuy to PrestaShop product transmission

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

The Afterbuy to PrestaShop product transmission module synchronizes products (articles) with combinations (variants, sets) from Afterbuy to PrestaShop. Your Data will be transferred automatically.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Propose du cross selling sur votre boutique
- Syncs following data from Afterbuy to PrestaShop
- Products / articles -> all fields to start selling the article in PrestaShop
- Combinations / variants -> auto transferred all Afterbuy combinations to PrestaShop native variants
- Overview in one system
- Synchronization of the order status (paid, shipped)


- Buy modul at PrestaShop marketplace
- Load modul at your Server and install
- Go to your account -> Tools -> API‘s to Afterbuy and order the;
 XML-API (need to pay) -> see screenshot above
- Go back to the settings of the PrestaShop module
- Insert your credentials from AfterBuy: Partner-ID, PartnerPass and User-ID
- Set up a cron job to call the url from the module settings for auto transmission
See also:


Following data will be transmitted from Afterbuy to PrestaShop:
- price and Merchant wholesale price
- wholesale price
- weight
- quantity
- Reference ID
- AfterBuyID as Prestashop Product-ID
- Productname
- Short description
- Long description (option for image Filtering)
- SEO name
- Tax rate
- Image Large (Resizing to Prestashop sizes)
- Standardproduct / combination / variants
Product Variantes
- Variants Attributtes
- wholesale price
- price and Merchant wholesale price
- weight
- quantity
- Reference ID
Order Status:
- Synchronization of the paid and shipped order status from afterbuy

Product Stocks
- Possibility to call stocks only, with a seperate cron url (setup a cronjob)

Images from Afterbuy will be resized automatically. Removing images only in PrestaShop possible.

Required fields:
product reference (product number)

Only use numers as product/article numbers.

Please do not create new articles manually in both systems because the automatic synchronization requires the Afterbuy ID of the article / variant.

To make a quick change, this must be done in both systems.

Depending on the amount of items / server / cron settings, it can take a different amount of time before newly created items are transferred from Afterbuy to PrestaShop.


Server Setup
allow_url_fopen sollte = yes

First import
To import much many articles you probably have to call the url several times to import all data (articles) in the PrestaShop database.

Set up a cron job to call the url from the module settings for auto transmission See also:

curl -k -L „https://XXXX/prestashop17/Backoffice/index.php?controller=AdminABXmlCron&token=16b3cf5e08fd0cc94b30acd506e356d9&action=shopproducts“

For help to done the cronjob right see:
(For testing search for webhooks)

Please activate the Debug-Mode in PresaShop and search for the Error messsages in the Log-Console.

For testing please delete all data and clear the PrestaShop cache before reimporting data.

Delete data
Removing data only in PrestaShop possible.

Nouveautés de la version 1.1.1(02/10/2020)

  • - Added syncronisation for bands/manufactures
  • - Improved translations
  • - Minor bugfixing

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