Module Custom Payment Method-With Fee(surcharge) and Discount

Le Samedi 18 décembre 2021

Module prestashop pour votre site e-commerce

Payment methods have a crucial part to play in the e-commerce transaction process. This add-on allows merchants to create multiple payment methods for easy checkout.
Build your own payment methods with or without extra Fees or Discounts.

Les plus de ce module Prestashop

Optimise l'expérience utilisateur
  • Admin can create multiple payment methods.
  • Extra Fee/Discount option.
  • Fee/Discount can be fixed or percentage.
  • No banks/services commissions
  • Admin can set any details and payment information
  • Conveniently users
  • Logos for each payment method
  • Admin can restrict custom payment methods for specific Products/ Category /Brand /Supplier/ Group
  • Promotion- Admin can promote their selected custom payment methods on the product page.
  • Select order status after an order for each payment method
  • Does not conflict / compatible with other payment modules
  • The range of the amount of the cart in which the available payment method
  • Ensures that all payment fees/Discounts will display in every relevant area: order detail of the customer/administrator, shopping cart, checkout page, invoice, order confirmation email, etc.
  • Admin can restrict custom payment methods for specific Products/ Category /Brand /Supplier/ Group

Ce que vos clients aimeront

Delighting customer experiences lead to repeat customers. As payment method’s impact the overall shopping experience, it is wise to take into account the following points-
  •     Swiftness: 
  •     Transparency: 
  •     Simplicity: 
The custom payment method brings the customer an instant payment method to speed up the processing time of orders.


How to install and configure the module -
Step-1. Install the module zip and configure the module.
Step-2. As soon as you configure the module, a new controller called Custom Payment in the backend will get appear. Admin can create multiple custom payments by using this tab


Why do you need Custom Payment Methods on your checkout page?

You’ll Save on Payment Gateway Fees
Businesses that choose to go with off-the-shelf payment gateways usually need to bear with high sign-up costs plus a fee that is associated with every transaction made. In the long run, this eats up a grand fraction of their overall profit. With your own custom-made payment method, you can significantly sidestep these expenses and save big time.

You’ll Get Several Unique Features
With payment gateways, there’s no one-size-fits-all.
Each business has its specific needs and it’s not always possible to find an off-the-shelf product that covers each of them. For instance, a third-party payment gateway that doesn’t support multi-currency transactions may limit your capacity to cater to global clients. But with a tailor-made payment method, you can get features that are ideal to support your business and fuel the revenue.

Integration with Multiple Processors
Integration to multiple payment processors offers several options for your merchants. This will also help you provide competitive transaction fee rates to your merchants, as all processors offer varying interchange fee rates based on different factors like transaction volume and merchant’s business.

Lien associé à cet article :
Module Custom Payment Method-With Fee(surcharge) and Discount


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